Yoga Teacher Training

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Omdhara Foundation

50 Hours, 100 Hours, 200 Hours, 300 Hours, 500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Courses

In Rishikesh, Dharamshala, Goa, Khajuraho, Mumbai Area, Mysore, Tamil Nadu, Kerala

Omdhara Yoga

Omdhara Foundation

At the Omdhara Yoga Research Center, we trust in wonderful power of yoga as it helps all mankind to live in harmony with ourselves and those around us.

The Omdhara Yoga Research Center is a place where: yoga can be researched so we all learn more about the practice of yoga. People share their yoga experiences, your yoga experience and quality of life are improved.

Our training programs are created to give yoga students and future teachers a place to immerse themselves in an authentic yogic lifestyle. We want your body, mind and spirit nourished holistically while you learn. We deeply believe in upholding the integrity of yoga as an ancient tradition and that is the driving force behind everything we do.

As yoga becomes increasingly commercialized, it is hard to find programs that are spiritually inspired and driven by all facets of yoga and not just the physical part. We created our programs to be exactly that. Our vision is for you to leave feeling renewed and inspired.

Together at Omdhara, we gather in sacred places to explore what it means to apply the beautiful traditions of yoga to modern life. would love to see you there.

Yoga Teacher Training

Omdhara Foundation

Poswerhouse of Yoga, Meditiation and Teaching practice

Yoga Teacher Training Program in India

Omdhara Yoga School provides certified yoga teacher training. It is India’s best center for this type of training, and it is especially renowned for its residential courses. The School offers several residential courses: the 200-hour yoga teacher training course, the 300-hour YTTC, and the 500-hour Hatha Yoga TTC. The school is surrounded by the Himalayas. The school has fully qualified and experienced yoga teachers who teach different styles of yoga under its Yoga Teacher Training Program.

The aim of Omdhara for Yoga and Meditation is not just to provide certified yoga teacher training to students, but also to transform them completely internally and make them into better human being. As well as yoga, the school teaches meditation and breathing techniques. It also offers knowledge of Ayurveda to students. After doing these courses, students are able not only to practice yoga daily but also to open their own yoga schools or hold yoga classes as certified instructors in any part of the world.

Why Omdhara Yoga?

Omdhara Foundation

Omdhara Yoga is one of most projecting foundations for yoga teacher training program in India, offering certified yoga courses. Programs are affiliated by Yoga Alliance USA and the government of India.

Omdhara Yoga has many reasons that make us distinct from other yoga establishments:

  • Experienced trainer / teachers
  • Experienced assistant teachers
  • International standards
  • Top quality course syllabus
  • Practical teaching skills
  • Deep philosophy syllabus
  • Practical anatomy classes
  • Business advice
  • Beautiful natural locations
  • Supportive atmosphere
  • Pranayama and meditations
  • Inner yoga and awakenings
  • Caring ashram atmosphere
  • Hygienic education space

We include our students into Indian culture, way of life and traditions with the combination of Indian roots and modern teaching techniques

Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Omdhara Foundation

Yoga Teacher Training Course in India offered by Omdhara Yoga School. These are an intensive course based on traditional hatha, Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga designed for the teachers who have already completed yoga teacher training.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 300 hour yoga teacher training is a very comprehensive teacher training course that guides go deeper into the practice of yoga for the students.

Browse all courses


Omdhara Foundation

Browse the latest style of yoga in INDIA for YOGA COURSES

World Wide Yoga

Omdhara Foundation

Yoga in the Western world often denotes as hatha yoga and yoga as exercise, consisting largely of the postures called asanas and Yoga is world wide.


Omdhara Foundation

frequently asked questions

1. What Is Yoga?

The word yoga, from the Sanskrit word yuj, means to yoke or bind, and is often interpreted as "union" or a method of discipline. A male who practices yoga is called a yogi, a female practitioner, a yogini.

The Indian sage Patanjali is believed to have collated the practice of yoga into the Yoga Sutra an estimated 2,000 years ago. The Sutra is a collection of 195 statements that serves as a philosophical guidebook for most of the yoga that is practiced today. It also outlines eight limbs of yoga: the yamas (restraints), niyamas (observances), asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyani (meditation), and samadhi (absorption). As we explore these eight limbs, we begin by refining our behavior in the outer world, and then we focus inwardly until we reach samadhi (liberation, enlightenment).

Today, most people practicing yoga are engaged in the third limb, asana, which is a program of physical postures designed to purify the body and provide the physical strength and stamina required for long periods of meditation.

2. What Does Hatha Mean?

The word hatha means willful or forceful. Hatha yoga refers to a set of physical exercises (known as asanas or postures), and sequences of asanas, designed to align your skin, muscles, and bones. The postures are also designed to open the many channels of the body—especially the main channel, the spine—so that energy can flow freely. Hatha is also translated as ha meaning "sun" and tha meaning "moon." This refers to the balance of masculine aspects—active, hot, sun—and feminine aspects—receptive, cool, moon—within all of us. Hatha yoga is a path toward creating balance and uniting opposites. In our physical bodies we develop a balance of strength and flexibility. We also learn to balance our effort and surrender in each pose. Hatha yoga is a powerful tool for self-transformation. It asks us to bring our attention to our breath, which helps us to still the fluctuations of the mind and be more present in the unfolding of each moment.

3. What Does Om Mean?

Om is a mantra, or vibration, that is traditionally chanted at the beginning and end of yoga sessions. It is said to be the sound of the universe. What does that mean? Somehow the ancient yogis knew what scientists today are telling us—that the entire universe is moving. Nothing is ever solid or still. Everything that exists pulsates, creating a rhythmic vibration that the ancient yogis acknowledged with the sound of Om. We may not always be aware of this sound in our daily lives, but we can hear it in the rustling of the autumn leaves, the waves on the shore, the inside of a seashell. Chanting Om allows us to recognize our experience as a reflection of how the whole universe moves—the setting sun, the rising moon, the ebb and flow of the tides, the beating of our hearts. As we chant Om, it takes us for a ride on this universal movement, through our breath, our awareness, and our physical energy, and we begin to sense a bigger connection that is both uplifting and soothing.

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